
Ayoub Gacim , Hamza Rabii , Hicham Drissi


The rapid advancement of technology and the growth of Big Data have led to a considerable amount of personal data being collected, processed, used, and shared on a large scale. Information management professionals, such as archivists, librarians, and documentalists, often play a central role in managing these systems. In Morocco, as in many other regions, this technological evolution has raised concerns about the protection of personal data and highlighted the need for an appropriate legal framework to regulate them.

This paper examines the current state of the legal framework regarding the protection of personal data in Morocco, highlighting the laws and regulations in force. Our analysis also focuses on the challenges and issues that Morocco faces when it comes to regulating personal data in the era of Big Data. These challenges include aspects such as individual consent for data collection, data security, responsibilities of involved actors, and respect for citizens' privacy.


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How to Cite

Data Security In Big Data: Integrating And Managing Risks Associated With Recommender Systems. (2024). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 41, 19-30. https://doi.org/10.59670/ksav3587

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