Author Guidelines
There is no deadline for the submission of an article – a paper to be considered for publication is welcome any time! – nor are there strict guidelines with respect to the extent.
A “standard” article usually has about 8.000 - 10.000 words and must include a brief (200 words or less) abstract and a short note (50 words or less) with author's full name, title, current affiliation, E-Mail address, and a brief description of recent work.
Maps, photographs or other illustrations essential to the subject of the article must be print-ready.
Spelling and grammar are to follow either American or British convention but consistently throughout the text.
Quotations from non-English source materials must be accompanied by their original in the citation.
Archival citations should be as brief as possible, yet consistent. The identity and location of each archive must be fully spelled out when mentioned for the first time.
Double inverted commas ( “xx”) should strictly be used for quotations only, meaning that every use of double inverted commas does ask for a detailed reference.
A full bibliography must be supplied separately, first (Christian) names to be written out.
Citations (full bibliographical details to be supplied) and notes must be formatted as footnotes and numbered consecutively throughout the text. No author/date method.
First name Last name, "Journal Article: Subtitle", Journal of Namibian Studies, 13 (2013), pp. 7-28 [indicating full page numbers] (14) [indicating quoted page].
Last name, "First main word of the article's title": p. 14.
First name Last name, Monograph: Subtitle, Place, Publisher, Year: pp. 5.
Last name, Monograph : p. 7.
First name Last name, "Chapter", in: First name Last name and First name Last name, (eds.), Edited Collection, Place, Publisher, Year: pp. 5-25.
For websites: First name Last name (if authored), "Page Title", < > [accessed 1 November, 2013].
For newspapers, periodicals: Windhuker Anzeiger, 12 October, 1898.
For more specific formatting questions consult the published issues and emulate exactly or contact the editors.
Open Access Policy
The Journal of Namibian Studies - History Politics Culture is openly accessible for all authors and readers. According to the Open Access philosophy, Journal of Namibian Studies has a publication fee and the payment must be processed once authors receive final acceptance of their article. Therefore, we ask you to bear this charge in mind when submitting manuscripts for publication.
The publication fee Journal of Namibian Studies is USD 500 which shall be utilised to cover the expenses of managing and copy-editing the articles. If authors would like to avail our in-house proof-reading services , an extra USD 200 shall be imposed in-addition to the regular APC. The proof-reading fee is isn't compusory, the authors may wish to have the proof-reading done with any third partes as well (if required).