The Attitude Of Filipinos In The Proposed Integration Of Mandatory Reserve Officers Training Corps (Rotc) In The Philippine Basic Curriculum
This survey sought to determine whether Filipino high school students, police trainees, teachers, and parents favor the proposal of mandatory integrating the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) in the basic senior high school curriculum. The specific posed questions are: What are the demographic profiles of the respondents? What is the respondents' attitude toward the ROTC program concept in terms of motivating, training, organizing, and mobilizing the youth? Is there a significant difference in their attitude when grouped by age, gender, and religion? Are Filipino high school students, police trainees, teachers, and parents in favor of the proposed mandatory integration of ROTC in the senior high school curriculum?
Approximately 802 of the 1076 respondents who participated in the survey are young adults, primarily female and Roman Catholics. Most or 94% of them strongly agree that the ROTC program can motivate and train students to become government partners in the preservation and development of the state. They strongly agree that in the event of a national mobilization, it can assist in mobilizing and organizing students to respond in national security. Although, significant difference was noted as to among respondents in their attitude toward the ROTC program but they totally support the idea of making it mandatory.