The Divine Discourse to Satan in the Old Testament
After tracking a selection of divine speeches of Satan in the texts of the Old Testament and showing the extent of contradiction and deviation that affected those texts, as it becomes clear to the researcher that the main issue of this research is to show the false image transmitted to us by the writers and interpreters of the Old Testament, which showed the extent of the ability and validity of Satan to interfere in human life, it has raised his ability and made it comparable to the ability of God Almighty, At times, God allows Satan to enter into the complex of gods, which he holds and sits on his right, and this tells us that he is welcomed by God Almighty, and at other times he depicts to us the extent of God's trust in Satan and his entry with him defiantly to discover the extent of obedience enjoyed by his servants, and here God appears unaware of what his servants hide and what they declare, and once those texts describe God with descriptions of a worthy of his holy self, such as the lack of ability and courtship of the devil and excitement. To take revenge on His servants and other attributes that Allah has not revealed in terms of authority. It is clear to the researcher through the review of those texts in which the divine speech of Satan that there is a dual nature (positive and negative) and this is what the Old Testament claimed enjoyed by that Satan in addition to misleading people and seducing them, some texts have raised the status of Satan and made him close to God and within his divine council and influential on the him and challenging him, describing him with strength and the ability to disease and heal, This is what helped the emergence of some deviant images, as it provided a suitable ground for deviation because the empowerment of Satan and his ability to provoke and challenge God paves the way, according to what the Jews claimed, the way for people to associate with that satanic force, so the Bible's view of Satan prompted Satanists and owners of deviant movements to adopt these claims, so God is exalted from what they say is very high.