
Anuradha Gupta, Dr. Ramandeep Kaur


This paper explores and examines the existing literature on workplace spirituality. The study aims to determine the level of workplace spirituality among the employees working in the FMCG sector in India.  The study also examines the existence of workplace spirituality in the organizations in FMCG sector and its association with organizational commitment.  The research investigates three dimensions of workplace spirituality namely, (SOC) sense of community, (MW) meaningful work, and (AOV) alignment with organizational values and their association with organizational commitment.

A sample of 311 employees is gathered from employees working in five companies in FMCG and beverage sector in India. Both primary and secondary data is used for the study. Primary Data is obtained through simple random sampling under probability sampling technique using Structured questionnaires from scales of workplace spirituality and organizational commitment are used for the study. Questionnaires in the form of google forms were circulated amongst employees for primary data collection. Statistical tools and techniques like Descriptive statistics, correlation and regression have been used. 

The study indicates that all three dimensions of workplace spirituality, that are meaningful work (MW), (SOC) sense of community and (AOV) alignment with organizational values are significant predictors of organizational commitment. The study points that all the three dimensions of workplace spirituality (SOC, MW and AOV) are significantly and positively associated with organizational commitment, which may lead to transformation in individual as well as organizational lives of employees.


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How to Cite

Workplace Spirituality And Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Study Of FMCG Sector In India. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 2030-2047. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.4119