Examining The Effect Of Meta-Cognition & Self-Confidence On Academic Achievement Of School Students
The current study examined the effect of meta-cognition & self-confidence on academic achievement of sr. sec. school students. Meta-cognition & self-confidence were treated as independent variable whereas academic achievement treated as dependent variable. Method of current study was descriptive survey. 600 sec. school students were chosen by Multi-stage random sampling technique. To gather the data, Meta-cognition Scale by Singh & Bali (2017); Self-confidence scale by Gupta & Lakhani (2018) were used. For Academic Achievement, percentage obtained by the students in class 10th annual examination conducted by CBSE. A significant difference was seen in academic achievement of sr. sec. school students on the basis of meta-cognition. Self-confidence was also significantly effecting the academic achievement of sr. sec. school students. Findings of the study revealed that significant double interaction effect of meta-cognition & self-confidence was observed on academic achievement of sr. sec. school students.