“A Comparative Study Of Academic Stress Among Adolescents With Reference To Gender, Locality & Type Of School”
A student's life is impacted by a variety of stresses, including the pressure to do well in school, uncertainty about the future, and challenges related to system integration. This comparative research looked at adolescents academic stress in relation to gender (male & female), location (rural & urban), and school type (private & public). Method of current study was descriptive survey. ‘Multi-stage random sampling technique’ was used to choose a sample of 500 Sec. School students. In order to gather the data, Academic Stress Scale by Udai Kumar Sinha (2014) was used. Descriptive statistics like Mean, SD and inferential statistic like t-test were employed to analyse the data. Outcome of the investigation indicated a significant difference in academic stress among adolescent students with respect to gender. Furthermore, it was found that adolescents belonging to urban areas had higher level of academic stress than those in rural areas. It was also found that teenage pupils attending private schools experienced more academic stress than those attending govt. schools.