Job Crafting Impact On Job Demands, Job Resources, And Employee Well-Being In Pondicherry Region
This study investigated whether employees can influence their personal well-being by tailoring workplace demands and resources. We expected that employee job crafting would have an impact on work engagement, job satisfaction, and burnout through changes in job demands and job resources based on the Job Demands—Resources paradigm. Data was obtained in a manufacturing industry (N = 288). According to the findings of structural equation modeling, employees who crafted their job resources and study saw an increase in structural and social resources over the course of the study. According to the study, employee job crafting has a beneficial impact on well-being, and employees should thus be given opportunity to build their own occupations.
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How to Cite
Job Crafting Impact On Job Demands, Job Resources, And Employee Well-Being In Pondicherry Region. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 38, 1-13.