
Mahjabeen Liaqat, Maheen Ansar, Bisma Shahid, Nimra Ahsan, Muqadas Rahim, Samreen Zubair, Hamnah Fatima, Mehreen Fatima


Background: Placenta promotes the flow of nutrients and waste products between the maternal and foetal circulatory system. Placental thickness has a strong connection to foetal development and have a significant role in the prenatal outcome.

Objectives: To determine the linear association of placental thickness with gestational age in normal and hypertensive females during second and third trimesters. To correlate the placental thickness with fetal outcome in normal and hypertensive females during second and third trimester pregnancy.

Methodology: It was a comparative analytical research; 196 expectant women were included. The gestation age ranged from 13 to 40 weeks. Using a Toshiba Xario XG ultrasound machine with convex probe of 3-5 MHz frequency, BPD, AC, HC, FL, and the PT were measured by USG. The inclusion criteria were normal pregnant females, (with no history of hypertension) and hypertensive pregnant females or with history of hypertension. The exclusion criteria were diabetic females, pregnancy with placenta percreta, increta, acreta, placenta abruption, placenta Previa, multiple pregnancy, and congenital abnormalities.

Results: A significant correlation is noted between placental thickness and gestational age with a p - value of 0.000 which is less than α = 0.001. But the correlation of placental thickness with hypertension was not found to be significant as p – value 0.788, that is > α = 0.001.  

Conclusion: It is concludes that placental thickness increases with an increase in gestational age. We have not found any specific relationship between placental thickness and hypertension because any rise or fall in hypertension does not affect the measurement of placental thickness.


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How to Cite

Association Of Placental Thickness With Gestational Age And Fetal Well Being In Normal And Hypertensive Females Durind Second And Third Trimester. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 37, 692-700. https://doi.org/10.59670/qx51qb06