Climate Change And Its Repercussions In Forty Signs Of Rain And Fifty Degrees Below
Ecocriticism is an inquiry that helps to bridge the gap between human and the environment. The anthropocentric world created by humans has destroyed the peaceful nature and it is time for humans to face its consequences. The novel Forty Signs of Rain and Fifty Degrees Below gives an idea of climate change and its impact on the lives of innocent people because of politics and economy. The novels clearly picture the need for to tackle the climate change, sea level rise and global warming. Kim Stanley Robinson has portrayed the need for the people to understand the importance of ecocentrism and leaving the anthropocentric attitude for a better future.
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How to Cite
Climate Change And Its Repercussions In Forty Signs Of Rain And Fifty Degrees Below. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 37, 277-282.