Need And Importance Of Moral Values And Self Confidence Of Secondary School Students
India has been a land of ethics, spirituality, and tradition. Ethics and self-confidence both are very important at the stage of early adolescence. We live in a valueless society and bad influences more than good. Pupils study without value and have less confidence in their studies. Educational institutions give more priority and focus only on ranks; percentages. They don’t give priority to student behaviour. Now a day’s, society is getting attracted to negative values. We are observing much violence, terrorism, religious, and acid attacks. Recently, we have observed the “Nirbhaya incident.” In the incident, the court punished a juvenile accused also. On the incident on May 18th, 2013, the president of India “Pranab Mukherjee” during his visit to Assam and Nagaland said that “There is a need to identify the cause of the moral decline in our society, and our universities, academics institutions must take the lead to meet the moral challenges of our time. The study has been done to find the Moral values and Self-confidence of secondary school students. A sample of 1000 secondary school students from different areas in the Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh. The sample was drawn by using random sampling technique. The major finding indicates that moral values and self-confidence are positively correlated. The moral values scale was standardized by Dr Alpha Sen Gupta and Dr Arun Kumar Singh (Patna, Bihar) and the self-confidence scale was constructed by Rekha Gupta(2013).