Realize Gold Indonesia In 2045 Through 21st Century Proficiency Education
Indonesian by Demographics have enormous human resources. In 2017, school age or pre-productive age, which is spread from early childhood, elementary, middle school, high school and tertiary education, has the largest portion compared to productive age and post-productive age in a conical manner. According to calculations, this pre-productive age will start to be productive in 2030 where college students start to be productive, followed by high school, junior high, elementary and early childhood students. The year 2045 is thought to be the peak time for the productivity of the Indonesian population, where the current primary and early childhood education age that dominates the population in this country will reach their productive age. In other words, starting in 2045, Indonesia will have a demographic bonus in human resources which is often referred to as the Demographic Bonus. In 2045, this Demographic Bonus can become capital or a burden for the country depending on how to prepare before 2045. It is hoped that the Demographic Bonus will become capital for this country so that the current generation is the golden generation in 2045 which is a generation of brilliant, potential, productive, literate, competent , character, and competitive. One of the most crucial efforts to realize the Demographic Bonus to become the golden generation in 2045 is through education. Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed by themselves and society. Education implies the awareness of all parties involved in this case the awareness of the nation to educate each other and provide exemplary students, so that students grow and develop in an environment that is fertile, literate, competent and with character. Through education, the self-potential of students in accordance with their nature is developed based on the basis they have through planned teaching so that they can live properly with the surrounding community, including the world community. The needs and demands of the world community that must be prepared through education to realize the golden generation in the 21st century in 2045, to be precise, are 21st century skills which are categorized into three broad categories, namely basic literacy, competence, and quality of character. 21st century skills will grow and develop in the golden generation candidates in 2045 through 21st century skills education.