A Corpus Based Linguistic Analysis Of Newspaper Headlines In Pakistani English
This article explores some of the key issues associated with the linguistic analysis of Pakistani newspaper headlines. In this study, the researchers have probed to investigate the linguistics features of headlines pertaining to IMF, Dollar, Social Media, Political Uncertainty, Flood, and Financial Crisis. Headlines on various topics have been selected such as sports, politics, national and international issues. The media is crucial in elevating commonplace happenings to the status of news. CDA is a term taken from Critical linguistics; it was originally cited in Fairclough’s Language and Power (1989). People through secondary information they learn from the media (Taiwo, 2007) .In this context four English newspapers were selected for the linguistic analysis see the world. The most important part of a newspaper is its headlines since they provide a quick means of communication. The words in the headline express the article's content and the philosophies behind them. Ideology has a part in the creation of newspaper headlines in Pakistani English and Urdu media, according to a study by Yasmeen et al. (2014).