Evolution And Reform Of Grass-Root Government In Assam
In India, especially after independence, rural development has become one of the country's government's most crucial concepts and goals. For this purpose, Panchayat Raj Institution has become an essential mechanism of Rural Development as it has played a very significant role in the development of rural areas. It is mainly machinery responsible for developing villages with the active participation of rural people in democracy. Being the world's largest democracy, India needs people's participation as a must for its steady and healthy development. Assam has seen its Panchayati raj budding since the ancient times of Pragjotishpur, Ahom Rule and British Rule, after which its present position has come into being. The Assam Panchayat Act 1994 was the response to the 73rd and 74th Constitution Amendment Act 1992 regarding rural and urban administration. As a result, people at the village level started participating in local affairs, overcoming the hurdles, and a considerable change has been seen explicitly in rural participation and development. The paper discusses the evolution of the Grassroot government in Assam and highlights the reforms over time.