The Growth Of Indonesian Nationalism Among Papuans After Integration In Merauke (1963-1969)
Research on the growth of awareness of Indonesian nationalism among Papuans after the integration in Merauke 1963-1969aims to answer several questions as follows: (1) who the actors involved in the growth process awareness of Indonesian Nationalism post-Integration among Papuans in Merauke 1963-1969? and (2) how growth process awareness of Post-Integration Indonesian Nationalism among Papuans in Merauke 1963-1969?Research objectives First, knowing the actors involved in the growth process awareness of Indonesian Nationalism after Integration among Papuans in Biak 1963-1969. Second, knowing the growth process awareness of Indonesian Nationalism after Integration among Papuans in Merauke 1963-1969. To obtain the results, the method used is hermeneutical historical reconstruction and a narrative approach and a heuristic process. The results showed that the actors tasked with cultivating Indonesian nationalism in the 1963-1969 period in Merauke were former Digul prisoners, the TNI, volunteers such as teachers, employees in various government agencies sent from Jakarta. Meanwhile, the process of growing Indonesian nationalism among Papuans in Merauke is through (1) educational pathways in schools, (2) the formation of political parties and social organizations..