
Jorge Enrique Salamanca Cėspedes Edier Hernán Bustos Velazco Jaime Duván Reyes Roncancio


Renewable energies have attracted our attention in the last decades due to their rapid development and low costs. In Colombia, environmental and related professionals are required with skills to understand, become aware, commit, accept, adapt, and participate in this field in an informed and critical manner, articulating disciplinary knowledge with social, cultural, economic, and political issues. It is urgent to address these issues in programs of the environmental faculty of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas from a perspective of education in renewable energies. This study aims to analyze the attitudes and perceptions of students toward renewable energies. The results show that the perception towards renewable energy sources is the one that determines the behavior; favorable attitudes towards them are also observed.


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How to Cite

Students’ Perceptions And Attitudes Towards Renewable Energy Sources. (2022). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 32, 226-238. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v32i.2751