Organizational Mindfulness: A Transformational Approach Towards Social Sustainability
In today’s complex environment companies are expected to improvise and deal with current and upcoming demands. Studies of mindfulness are making a new buzz in the management field and also making an impact on the organizations. This trend of research on mindfulness paves a way for transforming people’s motivation towards sustainability. Although, prior research has recognized various factors that contribute to sustainability in the apparel industry, there is little focus on organizational mindfulness as a catalyst agent for sustainable apparels. Post Covid 19 the consumers have become more humanly towards animal cruelty and protection of the environment. This is a literature review paper that directs the role of organizational mindfulness in achieving sustainability in apparel industry. This is an exploratory paper based on primary and secondary research methods. We develop a conceptual model that shows the relation between mindfulness and sustainable behavior, which in turn leads to sustainable consumption. Sustainability has become a wider concept in intense competitive world by focusing on 3 P’s i.e. People, Profit and Planet. Apparel Industry has adopted this Triple Bottom Line approach by using eco friendly products from raw materials to final disposal of clothing. Findings of the research paper provide that organizational mindfulness has brought a change in the consumption patterns of consumers, which resulted in a rise for the demand of vegan and sustainable products in India in the coming future. This paper is a sincere effort of the authors to identify how organizational mindfulness acts as a catalyst post pandemic for sustainable apparels.