
Weiky Nelly Juliana Carpio Vásquez Wendy Del Carmen Carpio Vásquez Julio César Arana Delgado Wilton Vidauro Carpio Campos María Aurelia Lazo Pérez Mayder Vera Gonzalez Ytalo Benjamín Biancato Magni


The digital portfolio is an electronic collection of educational activities, product of personal or group work, facilitating the formative progress of the Teaching-Learning of university students. The objective is to analyze the current state of knowledge of the digital portfolio in the learning of university students during the period 2017 to 2020. With methodology based on the systematic review of scientific articles, quantitative-retrospective approach, cross-sectional bibliometric design, no experimental. To this end, scientific articles directly related to the variable under study were analyzed in journals registered in high-impact databases; information acquired through advanced search, using Boolean operators such as AND and OR, as well as inclusion and exclusion criteria, exhaustively analyzed with the CEBMa tool and graphing them in the Prism diagram, finally obtaining 22 scientific articles as a sample. The results reveal that 54% of studies affirm that the attitudes of students towards the use of the digital portfolio were positive, 18% affirm that, in the evaluation of results, cognitive skills are developed, increased self-esteem, reflection on your progress; 14% indicate that it is for all academic levels, migrating from a traditional education to the use of technology and 14% believe that intrinsic motivation improves. Concluding that, currently, university students are aware of the advantages that the use of the digital portfolio implies, in personal and social growth and especially in the Teaching-Learning process, showing positive and optimistic attitudes.


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How to Cite

Digital Portfolio In The Learning Of University Students: Systematic Review. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 2056-2079. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.2306