Reorientation Of Good Governance In Enforcing Islamic Regional Regulations In South Sulawesi
The people of South Sulawesi have long held on to the religious principles of the royal era in the region. Local Islam is an integral part of the religious treasures deeply rooted in their daily activities. There have been some efforts to implement Islamic laws and regulations as public law. The efforts get strong support from the local government and the residents. Some areas that have implemented Islamic laws have been able to make signi cant and positive changes. The effectiveness of these regional rules results in the decreasing crime rate in Bulukumba regency. This is because the local government has issued some regional regulations regarding the prohibition, control, and sale of alcoholic drinks. The increasing awareness of the people of Makassar City to pay zakat is due to a regional regulation regarding the obligation of paying zakat. The rule aims to improve the people's standard of living and alleviate poverty. The people in the Maros district positively responded to the issuance of Islamic ways of life. It is because the government has implemented a regional regulation regarding the obligation to dress based on Islamic teachings, especially for women. The enforcement of Islamic law re ects good governance and supports the position of religion to become special legal standing. Religion is no longer a locus of worship orientation but a problem- solving for the government.