
Rand adel abed , A.P.Dr. Luma abdel_baqi Mahmoud


Since its inception, the United Nations has been keen to protect and respect human rights, as well as the emergence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the shoulder of the United Nations system, and it was adopted by the organization, especially the General Assembly, and that the protection of human rights is one of its main goals, and one of the most important and prominent of these rights is food security (the right to food), as this right has received attention and protection in many United Nations resolutions, which affects the importance of the right to food and its distinguished position among the rights the United Nations has also devoted its efforts to the maintenance and maintenance of international peace and security, because the maintenance of international peace and security is no longer limited to the absence of wars and violence, but has expanded beyond armed conflicts between states, and thus is a danger or threat that affects international peace and security, including a serious famine that is certain to be classified as a threat to peace and security, even if it occurs within a state.

Our study illustrates the role of the United Nations in protecting and protecting global food security through its main organs represented by the General Assembly and the Security Council, as well as specialized agencies and bodies that were established by a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, all to achieve food security, eradicate hunger and poverty and avoid famine. we will show in the research that the United Nations, represented by its main organs and specialized agencies and concerned with food, did not hesitate to protect food, but the United Nations system went to a more important curve when it gave food a very great importance, through one of its organs, the Security Council when it criminalized exposing the population to famine, but promised by war crimes and genocide, and this is what we will try to explain in the research when we review the role of the United Nations and its organs and specialized agencies concerned with food, and therefore we adopted In this research, the analytical method, by analyzing the resolutions issued by the United Nations related to the subject of the research in order to clarify the role of those decisions in protecting global food security.


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How to Cite

Role Of The United Nations In Protecting Global Food Security. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 5372-5391. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.1487