
Dennebo Mekuria , Dr. Harikrishnan M.


TVET Teacher education is a form of teaching that emphasizes imparting knowledge and abilities relevant to particular occupations. Teachers of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) are essential in providing students with actual abilities for the workforce. In this study, an exploratory research design based on a literature review with regard to the trends of vocational education and training teachers training was used. The purpose of the study is to identify how TVET teachers are prepared in Ethiopia and the related challenges along with the strategic solutions. Technical and vocational education and training teachers in Ethiopia are prepared in different forms. Moreover, technical and vocational education and training teachers are categorized as C-level, B-level, and A-level. In this regard, the C-level TVET teachers are those who are graduated from the technical and vocational education and training institutions and became competent through the national competency assessment. Since most TVET trainers are hired from university and TVET institution graduates, they frequently lack industrial experience. Low leadership commitment and prioritizing, significant industry contrast and lack of attention, and a lack of industries are all aggravating challenges. Hence, TVET teachers receive less focus in their refresher training and ongoing professional development. TVET teachers’ ought to possess the necessary expertise, including entrepreneurial skills. It's also crucial to place TVET instructors and trainers in realistic workplace environments. It allows them to work closely with experts in the field. In this regard, in order to ensure that TVET teachers receive the ongoing technical skill development they require TVET teacher education and training program should be expanded and improved more. Finally, TVET should be directed by the established requirements for technical and knowledge enhancement programmes.


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How to Cite

Trends Of Vocational Education And Training Teachers Education In Ethiopia For Sustainable Development. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 4490-4500. https://doi.org/10.59670/dryg8s63