
Zulfikar Rakita Dewa R. Widya Setiabudi Sumadinata Nandang Alamsah Deliarnoor Neneng Yani Yuningsih


Before and after the 2019 Presidential Election there was political polarization in society. This condition is made worse by the existence of identity politics which has the potential to cause social segregation. This situation can certainly threaten the security and order of the people of West Java. To analyze the West Java Provincial Government's efforts to deal with community dynamics, the authors used the Dynamic Governance concept approach proposed by Boon Shiong, Neo, and Geraldine, Chen (2007) with a focus on discussion on Capability elements which include Thinking Ahead, Thinking Again, and Thinking Across. In addition, the Culture element will analyze five of the thirteen values, namely: Integrity, Multi-racialism (Different ethnicities and beliefs), Relevance (According to the Will of the Society), Stability, and Prudence. There are also changes due to elements of culture and capabilities. Moreover, to analyze the commitment of the West Java Provincial Government in implementing the development of human security this research was analyzed by using the theory of Human Security according to Mary Kaldor (2007). Based on the research results, it was found that; First, the West Java Provincial Government was able to predict the potential for social conflict due to political polarization in society. Therefore, preventive, pre-emptive, and repressive steps are taken to locate potential conflicts so that they do not spread; Second, the Provincial Government of West Java has not carried out social consolidation and reconciliation to reunite the polarized society. Thus, the potential for political polarization in the coming elections is quite potential; Third, the Provincial Government of West Java continues to make socialization and education efforts for the community through development policies that are in favor of the interests of the community, so that it is hoped that the community can understand the importance of security and for development and improving public welfare.


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How to Cite

DYNAMICS OF WEST JAVA PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT IN IMPLEMENTING SECURITY, TEST, PUBLIC ORDER AND PROTECTION OF THE COMMUNITY POST 2019 ELECTIONS. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 85–109. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.709