
Zulfikar Rakita Dewa R. Widya Setiabudi Sumadinata Nandang Alamsah Deliarnoor Neneng Yani Yuningsih


The 2019 presidential election left residue that threatened the security of the people of West Java. The residue is political polarization that still occurs even though the 2019 elections already finish for a long time, and a new government has been formed. At this moment, Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto are both sitting in government does not affect the polarization that occurs in society. West Java is a province with nearly 20 percent of the national vote and the highest number of voters in Indonesia and has always been an arena for open political battles in every general election. With political polarization overlaid with identity politics, the security of the people of West Java is threatened. Therefore, this article will examine how political polarization in West Java and security guarantees from the local government for its people. In analyzing this research, the author used the concept of human security Mary Kaldor (2007) with a descriptive qualitative methodology through a phenomenological approach. The research concluded that the security conditions in West Java were relatively conducive and the West Java provincial government continued to carry out development according to the community's needs. So that prosperity and independence can be realized in every individual in West Java society.


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How to Cite

POLITICAL POLARIZATION AND COMMUNITY SECURITY ASSURANCE WEST JAVA POST-2019 ELECTIONS. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 67–84. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.708