Determining L2(S) Status Factor While Learning English Lexemes In The Cross-Linguistic Context Of Gujari Learners
The current study determines the L2(s) status factor while learning English (Ln) lexemes when two L2s are at play. It has been observed that previously learned languages e.g., Gujari, Pahari and Urdu seem to influence the choices of English equivalents. It demonstrated that Gujari-speaking English learners used suspect where doubt is required and vice-versa. It appeared that the languages which have already been acquired played their role in restraining the different shades of the core meaning, and learners processed the English lexical items according to the forms and meanings of already acquired languages. Several research studies suggest that while learning L3 the role of L2 is more pervasive as compared to L1 at the beginning of L3 learning. In the current study, two background languages are at play which is assigned the role of L2 status factors such as Pahari and Urdu. However, Urdu was found dominant as an L2 factor while learning and using English lexemes. The study identified that the dominance of Urdu appeared to be the facts of the similarity in the use, context, and mode dependency of English as an Ln and Urdu as an L2 as compared to Pahari.