Birth Of Iblis, Evil Spirits, Expulsion From Paradise, And Causes Of Curse
Iblis has different names, such as Haqm, Azazel, etc, but Iblis is his most famous name. While Azazel was his first name, Iblis was disobedient to Allah, to whom Allah Almighty gave kingdom and bestowed favors and rewards upon him, but he committed disbelief and denied his Lordship and disobedience to his Lord Almighty. And when he was arrogant towards him, Allah Taala took away the garment of blessing from him and humiliated him. The greatest cause of the curse was that it was among the creatures, and when it was commanded to prostrate he refused, and showed a sign of arrogance, what is made of clay I will not prostrate, for I am created from fire and he are created from clay.In this world, Allah subhanahu wa taala has done favors to whom, he should not be ungrateful. Iblis was also awarded the honor of guarding Paradise, but he was arrogant towards his Lord and claimed lordship. When he called his subordinates to his worship, Allah turned him into Satan.He corrupted his creation, took away all honors from him, cursed him and Ousted him from his paradise and declared his abode and his followers to be hell in the hereafter. Iblis has the ability to change different forms and is created from fire (Naar).Quranic information shows that Iblis was one of the jinn, and he disobeyed his Lord. Satan is the eternal enemy of man and he misleads man by deceiving him so that he also becomes his companion in hell.