
William Niebles Nuñez, John Arturo Buelvas Parra, León Arango Buelvas


Financial management is a complex activity due to the many variables and indicators that interfere from globalization and the installment of new technologies in all industries. In this sense, it is relevant to approach project financial management considering the fundamental input of managerial activity such as financial analysis, integrated from the evaluation of its indicators. From this context raised the study is directed to describing the trends of scientifical production within financial indicators in project management processes. A continuous review of the scientific production on the topic was developed in Scopus database using the terms "Financial Management" and "Financial analysis", then the resultant output was extracted from Scopus for data analysis. Next the information was characterized in many indicators allowing to analyze the quantity of published documents, type of document, authors who had published the most, and the countries and journals with more published documents on the topic. Among the most important findings, the countries where the most investigations had been published were the United States, China, Czech Republic, Slovakia, United Kingdom, and Russia which represent 62% of the publications. Meanwhile, the journals that published the most on this area are Healthcare financial management, Topics in health care financing, Journal of medical practice management and Healthcare financial management, with 5.9% of publications. Finally, the most productive authors are Cleverley WO, Pink GH and Zhang L, each with 5 articles; this considering that 96% of researchers in this field are transient.


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How to Cite

Financial Indicators In Project Management Processes: A Bibliometric Review. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 1980-1997. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.4083