Nurturing Potential: Family Acceptance, Management, AND Coping FOR A Brighter Future OF Children WITH Disabilities
Parents who have disabled children need to cope with and explore social support that satisfies their disabled children basic needs. The changes that occur are often collateral effects of the impaired child, as well as the anticipated or actual reactions from the family's neighbours. An inclusive literature search was conducted to identify supportive systems, including peer support, environmental support, and community support. This review emphasizes that families need to address important aspects of accepting primary caregiving responsibilities for impaired family members. Family care management and coping techniques reveal a range of patterns, encompassing crisis and grief reactions to acceptance reactions.
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How to Cite
Nurturing Potential: Family Acceptance, Management, AND Coping FOR A Brighter Future OF Children WITH Disabilities. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 5777-5790.