
Ms. Hajra Aman Dr. Sadaf Ahsan


Introduction. The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree is the zenith of academic achievement and the most prestigious of the doctoral programs, however there is a growing concern about the mental health issues among this graduating population. In the past decade Western research has presented a bleak depiction of mental health status of the trainee graduates with alarming titles in their editorials, which has lead both, academics and policy makers to implement several interventional strategies. Whereas mental health status of doctoral students from developing countries has not been addressed adequately and attempts to design interventional programs for this segment of population are quite limited. Therefore aim of this trial study is to establish the efficacy of an indigenously designed intervention Lets Flourish Together for PhD scholars based upon positive psychology techniques to promote well-being and enhance flourishment.

Methods and Analysis. The intervention comprises of eight components based on positive psychology techniques, to be delivered over a period of 8-weeks. 154 PhD scholars will be recruited from six universities of Pakistan showing moderate levels of psychological distress assessed during screening process (t0) through DASS-21, in a two-armed randomized controlled trial. Other assessments will take place at (t1) before the start of the intervention, (t2) a week after the intervention and (t3) following a month. The primary outcome measure of the study is DASS-21, whereas secondary outcomes are flourishment (Positive Psychotherapy Inventory), motivation (Motivation for PhD Studies), perceived social support (Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support), time management skills (Time Management Questionnaire), extent of task delaying (Procrastination Scale), personality traits (Ten Item Personality Inventory), sleep quality (Jenkins Sleep Scale) and physical activity (Six-point Physical Activity Scale). Analysis of data will be based on intention-to-treat principles.

Ethics and Dissemination. This trial has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Foundation University School of Science and Technology (FURC/IRB/Spring-2022/29). Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented in conferences.

Trial Registration. The trial is registered at the WHO Primary Trial Registry Platform through Chinese Clinical Trial Registry; ChiCTR2200063701, dated: 9-15-2022. This is protocol version 1, in case of any important protocol modification, trial registry will be updated. 


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How to Cite

Efficacy Of Multicomponent Positive Psychology Group Intervention Through Randomized Controlled Trial: Study Protocol. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 1801-1820. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.3190