
Fatimatuzzahra Nasution Robert Sibarani Gustianingsih Khairina Nasution


Purpose: The purpose of this writing was to describe 1) the cognitive reactions of women in response to imperative speech acts in the learning process, 2) examined imperative speech acts in everyday communication, 3) the cognitive abilities possessed by women when carrying out speech acts

Methods: This study was observed using a psychopragmatic approach. This research was based on the phenomenological paradigm used as the basis for a qualitative research approach.

Results: Women's cognitive reactions to the form of imperative speech acts in Arabic dialogue in the learning process in a language environment that was active in producing Arabic therefore to facilitate interaction in Arabic.

Conclusion: Knowing the reaction or cognitive response of a woman with active Arabic language skills in terms of psycho-pragmatics in imperative speech acts when ordered


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How to Cite

Women’s Cognitive Reaction To Psychopragmatic Consistency Of Imperative Speech Acts. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 34, 800-807. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v34i.2234