
Siavash Mirhaji Moghanjoughi , Mojtaba Hadavand , Hamid Mirhaji Moghanjoughi


The Iranian petrochemical industry, as one of the main pillars of the country's economic development, plays a vital role in creating competitive advantages due to its access to abundant resources, a skilled workforce, and regional markets. This industry is highly dependent on technology, which must be given serious consideration. Therefore, in this research, a combined quantitative and qualitative approach was used, employing fuzzy DEMATEL-ANP and AHP techniques, along with the Technology Organization (THIO) model. By identifying and prioritizing the factors affecting technology assessment in Pars Petrochemical Company, the different dimensions of technology, including hardware, humanware, infoware, and orgaware, the Technology Contribution Coefficient (TCC) was calculated. The results showed that the humanware dimension is the main driver of technology in the company, followed by orgaware, hardware, and finally infoware, which are the most influential factors in technology assessment in this company. The final calculated value for the Technology Contribution Coefficient was 0.489, indicating that the petrochemical company is classified at a medium technology level, in which the humanware component plays the most important role. Therefore, the continuity of technology's role in gaining a competitive advantage and higher readiness to improve efficiency and enhance the resilience of this industrial enterprise depends on the company's management commitment to maintaining a skilled and creative workforce, management actions, communications, and improving organizational arrangements, upgrading equipment, improving production methods, suitable physical infrastructure, and ultimately guidelines and process relationships.


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How to Cite

Identification And Prioritization Of Technological Factors In Iran’s Pars Petrochemical Company Using THIO Model And Application Of Multi-Criteria Methods. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 6603-6625. https://doi.org/10.59670/dnh6p542