Examining The Impact Of Work-Family Conflict On Turnover Intentions Among Healthcare Professionals: The Mediating Role Of Emotional Exhaustion And The Moderating Influence Of Career Commitment
Purpose: This study aims to analyze the impact of work-family conflict on turnover intentions of healthcare professionals, noting the mediating roles of emotional exhaustion as well as moderating effect of career commitment through the lens of the conservation of resources theory. Methodology: Data was collected via questionnaire from healthcare professionals of public and private sector hospitals. Statistical software was used for data analysis. Findings: The results showed that the positive relation between work-family conflict, emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions is low for healthcare professionals with higher career commitment than those with lower career commitment. Originality: This study is unique as it analyzed the moderating effect of career commitment on the relationship between work-family conflict, emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions among the healthcare professionals. Practical implications: This study provides guidelines for organizational and individual interventions, indicating that withdrawal from the profession may be reduced by lowering work-family conflict and improving career commitment.