
Dr. Navdeep Kaur


The present paper is an attempt to explore the role of feminism in the higher education for the harmonious development of society. Education plays a pivotal role in the evolution of mankind and in the advancement in every sphere of life. Education has opened up human beings horizons to think beyond any other creature's imagination. Once unthinkable and unattainable tasks look to be the already achieved milestones by human being's, in almost all the areas ranging from space research, scientific innovations, literary areas, commerce and many other areas. All this has been made possible because of human's inquisitiveness and zeal to excellence in education and constantly redefining the boundaries of Education is the indispensable condition for development. A society cannot achieve competitive conditions if women, who constitute half of its population do not benefit from development. The harmonious development of society depends on the universal access to education, particularly the higher education, by both men and women. 


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How to Cite

The Significance Of Feminist Perspectives In Higher Education: Empowering Minds And Transforming Society. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 6597-6602. https://doi.org/10.59670/156mq516