
D.P Singh, Amit Kumar Punia, Vijyant Mann, Bharat Singh Chittoriya, Divya Sharma, Archana Sharma, Ankit Sisodia


The aim of this research paper is to address the global energy crisis by increasing the efficiency of solar energy systems. Renewable energy sources, especially solar energy, are essential to reducing dependency on conventional energy sources. However, several factors affect the energy extraction from solar photovoltaic (PV) modules, limiting their efficiency. To overcome these issues, this paper proposes a dual-axis solar tracking system integrated with an automated cleaning mechanism. The dual-axis tracker ensures maximum solar radiation capture by keeping the solar panels oriented perpendicularly to sunlight, while the automated cleaning mechanism removes dust accumulation, maintaining consistent efficiency. This system can improve energy output by up to 30% compared to traditional fixed solar panels.


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How to Cite

Dual Axis Solar Tracker With Automated Cleaning System: Enhancing Solar Energy Efficiency. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 36, 2222-2228. https://doi.org/10.59670/deghz102