A Study Of WORK-FAMILY Conflict Among WOMEN Teachers Teaching In Secondary Schools In Relation To THEIR GENDER AND TYPES OF SCHOOL
The present study examines the work-family conflict among female senior secondary school teachers in relation to their gender and types of school, specifically focusing on work-family conflict. The primary objectives were to compare work-life conflict among female teachers working in government and private schools, as well as those working in rural and urban areas. Two hypotheses were tested: first, that there is no significant difference in work-life conflict between government and private school teachers, and second, that there is no significant difference in work-life conflict based on locality (rural vs. urban). The study used a descriptive research methodology, with work-family conflict as the dependent variable and school type and locality as the independent variables. A random sample of 200 female senior secondary school teachers from the Rohtak district of Haryana was selected. The Work-Family Conflict Scale (WAFCS), a 10-item instrument developed by Divna Haslam (2015), was used to measure two dimensions: work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and ‘t’ test. The findings revealed a significant difference in work-to-family and family-to-work conflict between government and private school teachers, with private school teachers experiencing higher conflict levels. However, no significant difference was found based on locality. It was concluded that the type of school plays a crucial role in the work-family conflict faced by teachers, while locality does not significantly impact it. Recommendations include implementing work-life balance policies, offering mental health support, and promoting a supportive work environment in private schools. Further research should investigate other factors like family size and marital status to better understand work-family conflict.