
Dr. Shashwati Nath


Women are exactly help of the mature population. They include one-third of labour force but drink two third of words. Working hours and yet take home only one tenth of the income and own only one percent of world correctly. The wealth and growth of a Nation depend on the Status .Of its women as they not only comprise nearly half of its population but also stress growth of the remaining half of the population. The middle role of women in  agriculture, allied occupations and house hold   behavior   have however been under estimated and undervalued in Assam. In Assam women play an important and crucial role in agriculture. And   allied fields including crop production livestock production, horticulture post harvesting operations agro/social forestry fishing Tea planting etc. The life and extent of women’s involvement in agriculture vary really from regions to regions. Even in the region, their participation varies widely among different biological, sub-zones forming system caste, lessons and socio-economic status of families etc. Although with same problems of women’s today they contribute a lot of the state’s economy like men. Women participation in agriculture is harmfully affected by modern method of women and decrease of their activities. Innovation of agriculture has provided women with better income earning opportunities in same areas, but as displaced them from their customary roles in others. 


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How to Cite

Role Of Rural Women In Agriculture And Economy Of Assam. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 38, 2265-2273. https://doi.org/10.59670/2vgmcg25