
Dr. Samah Aouaidjia


Through this paper, we aim to describe and study the major transformations that have affected the urban and social construction fields, focusing on social relationships and their connection to urban spaces affected by the winds of globalization, modernity, and contemporary urban lifestyles.

Societies and social groups have undergone dynamic transformations in transitioning from rural or nomadic lifestyles, each with its own cultural and social characteristics, to urban city life. The ongoing transformations in cities are associated with indicators of civilization, urbanization, and social integration of individuals and groups, particularly concerning the identity of youth in relation to urban living conditions. Cities have experienced urban and architectural changes, such as shifts in housing patterns, increased urban growth rates, population density, and the proliferation of various institutions and administrative structures, all influenced by the forces of globalization, making them global cities.

Social sciences, particularly sociology and anthropology, have been concerned with studying the urban phenomenon since their inception. This is evident in the early pioneers and founders of sociology, such as Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Simmel, and others, who have contributed to the theoretical and methodological accumulation of urban issues.

The urban space is considered an ideal space that allows individuals and social groups to perform their daily functions and roles in accordance with the modern urban environment. In cities, various forms and patterns of buildings proliferate, reflecting practices that can be considered obstacles to the process of integration into the urban milieu. These practices do not necessarily align with the cultural and lifestyle specificities of the local community, thus impacting the identity of youth in terms of their behaviors and diverse practices related to the urban residential and architectural environment. These practices may not reflect the urban lifestyle as indicated by Louis Wirth.

These practices are linked to the conceptual framework of the local society, such as dress style, social norms and boundaries, nature of social relationships, adherence to customs and traditions, and the rituals associated with events, celebrations, and weddings, among others. Consequently, values and social standards among the youth have undergone changes and transformations, either integrative or non-integrative, with the urban space. Therefore, there are issues related to the changes and transformations occurring in the urban and social space for the youth, and the resulting ability to keep pace with these rapid and identity-shaping transformations that often clash with conflicting social norms and frameworks of urban lifestyles.


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How to Cite

The Reflection Of Urban Space On The Algerian Youth Identities. (2024). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 41, 200-223. https://doi.org/10.59670/4rd5rw07

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