
Mukesh Kumar


Mathematics is an important subject in secondary school but it is very disinteresting to note that performance in mathematics by secondary school students are not up to the mark. This study focuses on the improvement of secondary school students’ achievement in mathematics In this light, the researcher tried to investigate the achievement in mathematics  in relation to attitude towards mathematics and gender. The sample was selected randomly and consisted of 600 students studying in IX class both boys and girls from rural and urban area of Jalandhar district. The Attitude Towards Mathematics scale by Sharma(2009) and Achievement in Mathematics scale by Singh & Kumar(2009) was used for the collection of  data. Descriptive survey method of investigation was used in this study. The findings revealed  that significant difference was found in the achievement of students with respect to attitude of students towards mathematics. There was no significant difference in achievement in mathematics of boys and girls. There was no interaction effect of attitude towards mathematics and Gender on achievement in mathematics of students


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How to Cite

Influence And Interaction Effect Of Attitude Towards Mathematics On Achievement In Mathematics Of Secondary School Students With Respect To Gender. (2022). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 32, 1360-1370. https://doi.org/10.59670/t97vgj35