
Yahia Mubarak Almarhaby , Ghofran Blqaaceem Alnaqees , Samahel Abdu Alshareef , Salha Mesfer Alkiady , Yasmein Abdullah Ali , Mohammed Sanea Alghubayshi , Gaya Mousa Al-Marhabi, Ali Alhassan Alfaqih , Zahra Mohammad Algozi , Fatima Ahmed Alsahari , Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed Alguzy , Balgaith Ahmad Alsahhari ,Danah Abdulaziz Mohamed Bin Qasmuol , Motlak Dughaylib Alotaibi


Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders affecting movement, posture, and muscle tone due to brain damage during development. Comprehensive care for children with CP requires the integration of services across various healthcare departments. This essay discusses how nurses, pediatricians, physical therapists, and medical secretaries collaborate to provide multidisciplinary care for children with CP. These professionals work together to assess health, manage treatment, provide therapies, and support families in caring for children. Despite challenges such as fragmented care and limited resources, this integrated approach enhances outcomes for children with CP and their families.


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How to Cite

Enhancing Care For Children With Cerebral Palsy: Integrated Services Provided By Nursing, Pediatrics, Physical Therapy, And Medical Secretary Departments. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 34, 3321-3330. https://doi.org/10.59670/jv3vrf46