
Afnan Mohammed Alasmari, Sayed Shahbal (Corresponding Author), Amani Helal Alrowily, Noor Faisal Alhuzali, Monagi Ibraihim Tomehi, Areej Ali Abdullah Awwadh Bushra Ali Awwadh, Ali Yahya Alzahrani, Sharifah Saeed Asiri, Hind Medllah Almotairi, Sultan Ali Al Sahli


Background: The importance of mental health concerns to individual, community, and international healthcare is growing. The majority of health problems are also associated with mild to severe mental health conditions. The Arab Region—especially the Gulf Region—faces the same problem as other nations.

Aim: Evaluation of mental illnesses in primary care is the goal. Assess the diagnosis and prevalence of mental health issues in Gulf nations' primary healthcare systems. Method: A systematic review based significant research published between 2019 and 2023; a thorough search of databases including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and CINAHL was carried out. The English-language publications that explicitly addressed mental health issues, mental illnesses, and the prevalence of mental disorders among them were chosen as the study's inclusion criteria. The selected papers also have to offer insightful information on team dynamics and employ measuring instruments that are well recognized. Ten studies were included in the synthesis following initial screening and quality evaluation.

Results: Four subthemes—mental health challenges brought on by long work hours, burnout, workplace violence, working multiple night shifts, and various mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, stress, aggression, and burnout—have been identified within this systematic literature. Additionally, it indicates the prevalence of mental illnesses among female primary healthcare workers.

Conclusion: It is determined that several psychological problems, including stress, anxiety, and depression, are experienced by primary healthcare providers and are associated with their workload, shift work, and extended work hours. Those working in basic healthcare are also often among those who report suffering workplace violence. The primary healthcare of migrants was shown to be more anxious and melancholy owing to exhaustion and distinct cultural shifts. The systematic research also looks at the fact that female primary healthcare providers face higher mental health issues and problems than male counterparts.


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How to Cite

Gulf Perspectives On Mental Health: A Systematic Examination Of Disorders In Primary Health Care Settings. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 38, 1911-1928. https://doi.org/10.59670/q0y94g63