
Ryspayeva Cholpon Kurmanbekovna, Borbuchalova Baktygul Jenishbekovna, Akhunzhanova Mahfuza Khokimzhanovna


This scientific article is devoted to the study of the motivation of students of pedagogical direction in the context of the competence-based approach. The article discusses the importance of motivation as a factor in the successful learning and development of students, and also discusses the features of motivation in teacher education. The main attention is paid to the influence of the competence-based approach on students' motivation. The competence-based approach involves the development of not only knowledge and skills, but also the competencies necessary for successful pedagogical activity. This approach stimulates students, as they see the practical significance of their knowledge and skills.The article offers practical recommendations for the development of the motivation of students of the pedagogical direction in the conditions of the competency-based approach. Among them are the creation of a motivating educational environment, the provision of opportunities for independence and creativity, as well as individual support for students.The study of the motivation of students in the pedagogical direction is relevant in the light of modern requirements for the professional training of teachers. The results and recommendations of this article may be useful for teachers, administration of educational institutions and students who are striving for the effective development of their professional motivation.


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How to Cite

Motivation Of Pedagogical Students In The Conditions Of Competence-Based Approach. (2022). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 32, 790-800. https://doi.org/10.59670/jedm7333