
Shipra Mishra, Dr. Peeyush Ranjan Upadhyay


This research investigates the impact of customer reviews on the purchase of bamboo products in Pune City, with a focus on green marketing. A survey conducted using Google Forms and disseminated through various online channels garnered 183 responses, primarily from the 18 to 30 age demographic. The study explores demographic backgrounds, perceptions of online reviews, shopping preferences, and the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on purchasing habits. Results indicate that customer reviews significantly affect buying decisions for bamboo products, particularly in the online shopping environment. Participants show a preference for online shopping, especially in the 18 to 25 age group, when it comes to bamboo items. The study also highlights the emotional connection participants have with customer reviews, underlining their significance in the green product market. While acknowledging study limitations, these findings shed light on the role of customer reviews in shaping consumer behavior towards bamboo products in Pune City's green market.


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How to Cite

Customer Reviews And Bamboo Product Selection: A Green Market Study In Pune City. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 36, 1631-1648. https://doi.org/10.59670/52xr5q34