The Role Of Music In Enhancing Motivation For Education Among Children With Special Needs From The Point Of View Of Teachers
This investigation explored the role of music in enhancing motivation for education among children with special needs from the point of view of teachers in Amman. The descriptive approach was used in establishing the study's theoretical foundation. A structured questionnaire was developed as a primary instrument for collecting data from 25 teachers, who were selected purposefully after conducting research with the directorate of education in Amman on teachers who use music in classes with students with special needs. The results indicated strong agreement among teachers regarding the positive impact of music integration in various aspects of art education, including planning and goal setting, training and development, the role of teachers, and the development of creativity and cognition. The findings showed that the gender factor affects the teachers’ views, as female teachers believe that music can be used as a source of motivation to teach and encourage students with special needs. On the other hand, the years of experience seem to have less effect on the teachers’ views toward using music as a method of motivation for students with special needs.