
Dr. Meenaksi Puvvada, Dr. Koteswar Rao Jakkula


Women's empowerment is one of the most pressing issues facing the globe today and a popular subject of conversation. Many nations have successfully resolved this problem, at least to some degree. This is a problem that has not gone away and remains significant in India since women still experience discrimination in our mostly patriarchal society. Women are stereotyped as being weaker and less capable of making independent judgments than males. They are supposed to behave in a subservient manner and follow the lead of their male counterparts. The man who came to be recognized as India's "Father of the Nation" advocated strongly for women's equality. We honour Mahatma Gandhi. In this article, an effort is made to comprehend Mahatma Gandhi's perspectives on the status of women and to speculate on the continued applicability of his philosophies in India in the “twenty-first century.” The time has come to inform and empower women so they can gain their rights but also to change the way men think about women from a position of weakness to one of power. These needs must be met to meet the needs of the hour. Despite the existence of laws that protect women from some forms of violence, such as “child marriage, rape, domestic abuse, sex-selective abortion, honour killing, trafficking, sexual harassment, and dowry,” these forms of violence still occur. Other forms of violence include honour killing. Indian women are more likely to become victims of crime as a result of their increased freedom to pursue occupations outside the home. This is partly because existing laws are unable to manage the issue adequately. The answer is for society as a whole to become more compassionate and liberal when it comes to problems that are connected to gender. It is certain that if we adhered to the beliefs and practices of Mahatma Gandhi, we would have been able to win our independence under his leadership. Similarly, if we did so now, we could liberate ourselves from the constraints of gender prejudices.


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How to Cite

Perspectives Of Mahatma Gandhi On Women’s Empowerment And The Present Context. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 360-371. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.5266