
Dr. Uzma Naz Rifat Ullah Rifat


Geopolitical Dynamics in the Indian Ocean Region: This study examines the evolving landscape in the Indian Ocean, marked by an emerging great game among major powers. In an era of shaping geostrategic realignments, the Indian Ocean Region has presented itself as the theater of intense and complex power competition among status quo and emerging powers. The intricate security calculus of the region has diverse dimensions propelled by the intersecting interests of key players like the United States, China, Russia, India, and other regional actors. 

The Indian Ocean's geostrategic location, economic potential, and proximity to energy sources have made it a focal point for global players. The region faces a tug-of-war-like situation with revisionist states like China and Russia asserting their influence and the status quo west led by the United States seeking to maintain the balance. The strategic competition will not only decide the hierarchy of regional order but will also greatly impact the architect of the world order. In this context, smaller states in the Indian Ocean Region are caught between conflicting interests, thus presenting complex challenges. Realism serves as the primary theoretical lens, shedding light on power struggles, competition, and self-interest among states. By analyzing Realism within the scope of this evolving landscape, the study aims to comprehend the implications of these geopolitical dynamics for the key players, emerging alliances, and the evolving world order.


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How to Cite

Geopolitical Dynamics In The Indian Ocean Region: Investigating The Landscape Of Emerging Great Game Through The Lens Of Realism. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 33, 5607-5622. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v33i.5053