
Ali Ahmed, Dr. Samikshya Gohain


The quest for knowledge has been perennial to mankind. Philosophical enquiries about the world, the after world has occupied interest of philosophers who are in search for deeper truths. After the origination of society, the emergence of political systems marked the evolution of the state. Political evolution came along with the biological evolution. As such Governments emerged naturally as an association of families, clans, and tribes. Starting from Greek city state to other forms of government like monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, democracy etc., it has been seen that their role and mode of operation has been various. As such question, it often come to the mind   what is the best form of government? Is democracy the best form of government in the world today? If it is yes, then, how can a democracy be a healthy one which ensures participation of the public through reasoned arguments, use critical rationality to solve problems? How can dissent play a vital role alarming the government about the inadequacies of policies framed by the government? What can be the role of public intellectuals in making a democratic state worth living? What is the importance of free speech in a democratic state? What will be the role of Karl Popper’s critical rationalism to encourage the free expression of public intellectual in democracy?  These are some of the issues on which this paper would like to delve.

Democracy is a very popular form of government in the contemporary era. Defining the forms of democracy may be simple but in reality, it is full of problems to describe what democracy is? There are various forms of government are defined as democratic now. Therefore, the present study will enquiry into how critical rationalism of popper defense free speech and democracy in order to create grounds for an open and democratic society.


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How to Cite

Public Intellectuals And Free Speech In Democracy, And The Role Of Karl Popper’s Critical Rationalism. (2022). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 32, 160-185. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v32i.4813