
Dr. N. Subburaj, Sadaat Khaiyam


Since people are the primary resource for using other resources, human resource (HR) practises are extremely important. More and more individuals are realising that the people who work for the organisation are actual people. Major investment is required to increase the resource, and the more an organisation spends in its human resources, the higher the likelihood that the investment will pay off. Human resource (HR) practises place a strong emphasis on the various facets that can improve a person's potential both in and outside of the context of an organisation. The goal of the current study is to connect local and global human resources (HR). HR is concerned with the duties, responsibilities, behaviours, and importance of employees. It is frequently argued that non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the larger development context vary fundamentally from other organisational contexts where human resource (HR) is thought to play a significant role. Management, and more specifically Human Resource (HR), are not desk-bound activities that may be undertaken through the application of procedures and sanctions but rather demand for vision, leadership, and active participation.


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How to Cite

Human Resource (Hr) Dynamism In Non-Gov’t Organisations. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 35, 4962-4970. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v35i.4737