
Karina Guamaní-Clavijo, Ángel Ramírez-Eras


From the arrival of the European conquerors to Abya Yala in 1492, there was a process of destruction of the worldviews related to the sexualities of the ancestral indigenous peoples. Sodomy became a tool to criminalize ancestral sexuality and to justify massacres, murders, dispossession, and appropriation of territories. Indigenous people with gender-diverse ancestry from Abya Yala have been forced to fit under Western LGBTI forms.  However, this constitutes a form of neocolonial violence.  Considering the high rates of violence and discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation and gender expression, several regulations have been enacted at the national and international levels. In Ecuador, the indigenous population represents 7% of the population, however, research related to ancestral sex-generic diversities is limited.  In addition, regarding statistical information on the LGBTI+ population, in Ecuador there are still no official statistics, the only official study of this population was carried out in 2013, but it is a non-probabilistic study. However, from his study, it was determined that about discrimination, exclusion, and violence that the indigenous population with diverse gender identity, sexual orientation and gender expression is going through is worrisome, which, added to racism, classism, and capitalist economic gaps, make the indigenous population of sex-gender diversities an extremely vulnerable population.


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How to Cite

Sex-Generic Diversities In The West Vs. Ancestral Sex-Generic Diversities In Abya Yala: Study Of The Human Rights Situation Of The Indigenous Population Of Sex-Generic Diversities In Ecuador. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture, 35, 4740-4757. https://doi.org/10.59670/jns.v35i.4578