The Use Of Automatic Feedback System With Multiple Attempts In Answering Multiple-Response Testing To Improve The Performance Of Students In Thermodynamics Course
Feedback system is a vital process in improving the understanding and analytical skills of the students. This study examines the effectiveness of using a multiple-response testing with multiple attempts and automatic feedback system in improving the performance of students in a thermodynamics course. This study followed the descriptive mixed methods research design in order to determine the effectiveness of a multiple response testing with multiple attempts and automatic feedback on students’ understanding of thermodynamic concepts and word problems. A heterogeneous class of College students in Technology programs were participated in this study. This study used paired t-test and Hakes factor in order to analyze the quantitative data gathered from this study. Thematic analysis is used to code the main themes from the qualitative data. The results showed that there is a significant difference in the pretest and posttest scores after the strategy was employed in the curriculum. In addition to the quantitative results, there is a high gain of scores from pretest to posttest. The findings suggest that incorporating a multiple-attempt and feedback system into testing can improve in conceptual understanding, visualization of the problem and procedures in solving the word problems in thermodynamics, which has implications for the design and implementation of assessments in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education in the Philippines.