A Comprehensive Study To Analyse Relationship Between Talent Management, Work Life Balance And Their Job Roles In Academic Sector
The study attempt to explain effect of job satisfaction on employee retention, that can be defined as the ability of an organization to retain its employees, especially the most talented ones. In order to retain these employees organizations adopt various retention activities. Retention activities may be defined as sum of all those activities aimed at increasing organizational commitment of employees, giving them an overall ambitious and myriad of opportunities where they can grow by outperforming others. Retention is essential to sustain business operations and can very well prove as a competitive advantage for an organization in the long run. Faculty’s dissatisfaction and fewer qualified recruits choosing a career in academia threaten the growth of higher education system. The research aims at analyzing various factors such as payment, promotion, supervision, fringe benefits, contingent rewards, operating conditions, co-workers, nature of work and communication that affect faculty job satisfaction and thus in turn their retention. The research paper works on building the cause and effect relationship of job satisfaction on job retention. This has been explained with the help of Structured equation Modeling. The research has been conducted in the private academic organizations such as the universities and colleges of Uttar Pradesh region as per the objective of the research.