An Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of A Private Junior College In The Golaghat District – An Emphasis On Effective Usage Of Internal Resources To Its Advantage
Education is a key component for India's economy to thrive. It has expanded remarkably to become one of the biggest systems in the world, especially in the years following independence. Junior college or Post-secondary educational institutions are institutions designed to prepare students for either skilled trades, professional courses or for additional education at another college with more advanced academic material. In recent years, the emergence of junior colleges is strongly associated to its restructuring.
The post secondary education institution, however, is currently dealing with a number of pressing problems, including funding, management, access, equity, and relevance; reorienting programs to place more of an emphasis on health awareness; values and ethics; and educational quality; as well as evaluating institutions and accrediting them. Managing strategy has become vital for educational institutions, as it provides the realization of its core activities According to L. Moldovan (2012)1, competitive strategies in the area of education can be developed through quality. To review and explore sustainable improvement in the educational process, strategic management is the need of the hour.
This paper is a modest attempt to study the Efficacy of Private Junior College in Golaghat district with special reference to its effective use of internal resources in competitive advantage. The paper tries to find the most important internal resources creating competitive advantage for private junior college and also to study the relationship that exist between internal resources and institutional performance of Private junior colleges in Golaghat. Parameters used in the study are Financial resources, Physical resources, Human resources, Marketing resources, R&D and Organizational resources. The target population for the study is the private junior colleges in Golaghat district of Assam recognized by Assam Higher Secondary Education council. Census survey method of sampling is used for collection data for the study.